Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex. That's what everything is about to day. Even the day during group 3 and 4's time in the Women's Studies building. I made a comment that I didn't mean to be sexual. But since we live in the 21st Century. That's what we think right from the get go. But who are we to blame. Ourselves? I think so. America glamorizes sex. Mostly with our horrible ideas of women as objects. Due to our strippers, pornographic movies, and just our daily lifestyles.

I really don't like the fact that we live this way. Because of the fact that it isn't just women who are bothered or hendered by this. Men have to deal witht he day to day problems of having men think that they are objects all of the time. So in the end, sexuality is a great thing. But it is also one of Americas largest cripples.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 10th

So this week I was out in Missouri seeing my family that just moved back to America. It was great... but a few things I saw reminded me of this class. First off, we were in wal-mart and my mom refused to pay for the groceries she had got with my dad. She wasn't arguing with the cashier, she was arguing with my dad about the fact that she just bought dinner and didn't want to pay. I guess the whole "what's yours is mine and whats mine is yours" rule didn't mean anything to my mom when she married my dad some 20 odd years ago. But he called her a bitch in public in a joking manner. Only because there wasn't anyone in Wal-Mart at the time and he was doing this in a joking manner. My mother really took offense to this, but the cashier who happened to be a woman thought it was hilarious. I thought to myself, is that where we are in the world today, that a man can call a woman a bitch in front of another woman and she just laugh about it. My mom knew he was joking and didn't think much of it. But she did grab my hand on the way out and whispered to me "he may have called me a bitch, but I didn't pay for this shit." I LOVE MY MOM for silly ass reasons such as this.

I also went to a strip club this weekend with my brother for the first time. Now unlike many other men, I like to sit in the back of the place and just watch. I'm never the type to go up and grab on these girls, first of all I don't have enough confidence for that type of stuff, and second of all... they're nasty. But as I was watching I realized that even though these women are int he most provacative positions any woman can be in, they're in total control. They can make a man do whatever they want from where they are. So even though woman don't seem to think they control things and that it's a mans world. Look around and you'll see that their isn't that much truth to it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Women in the workplace.

Why are women unappreciated in the workplace... or better yet. Why do women accept the fact that they are unappreciated in their workplace. Now I'm not trying to brag, but I have heard my mom talk about her days in the trenches of the cubical word and say how her superiors would have an idea, that she would take that idea, find a better way to do it and present it to the main man in charge. 80% of the time her idea was used.

If this isn't the signs of a women having value in her workplace, I don't know what else there is. Now I'm not saying my mom is the only woman to have this type of influence on the men in her workplace. But it does bring up the question, what is the difference between my mom and other women in the workplace. If my mom can do it, then many other women can do it. GO MOMMA!